© Marijana Petrovic/ Unsplash
Location: Zaovine, Serbia
Upcoming events

- June 11-13, 2023
- Sofia
5th Dinaric Balkan Pindos Platform Meeting
Previous events

5th Dinaric Balkan Pindos Platform Meeting
The 5th conference of the Dinaric-Balkan-Pindos Platform took place from 11-13 June 2024 and was hosted by Bulgaria. It was supported by the EU Platform as a regional workshop.
Topics of discussion included updates on large carnivore management, thematic debates on livestock and land use conflicts, and the role of hunters in conservation efforts. Participants had the opportunity for further exchange during networking opportunities as well as explore Vitosha Natural Park on a guided field trip.

Bilateral meeting on the management of large carnivores in the Dinaric Balkan Pindos region
Experts from Kosovo¹ and Croatia gathered for a one-day meeting organized by WWF Adria – Ecopana, the Dinaric-Balkan-Pindos Large Carnivore Platform and governmental ministries of Kosovo to discuss large carnivore management. They deliberated on population management strategies, the establishment of a coordination body for large carnivores. They also discussed possibilities for the creation of an intervention team which could be tasked e.g. with data collection. The event featured numerous representatives and experts from both countries, paving the way for ongoing education and capacity-building efforts in 2024.
¹ For this initiative, Kosovo is referred to in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Workshops held in Serbia and Kosovo on “Ecological Connectivity of Habitats for Large Carnivores”
Two workshops were organised by experts from WWF Adria and the Slovenian Forestry Institute. They presented research findings on ecological connectivity for large carnivores in the Dinaric Balkan Pindos region, with specific emphasis on Kosovo¹ and Serbia. The workshops aimed to share good practice examples of protecting vital connectivity areas, discuss research outcomes, and explore strategies to integrate these findings into strategic documents for better habitat protection. Additionally, field visits to a pilot area were organised for each workshop.
¹For this initiative, Kosovo is referred to in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

First joint conference of the Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions
At the first-ever joint conference of the two Conventions, representatives from 13 countries exchanged their experiences and activities in the field of large carnivore management. The conference facilitated discussions on shared challenges and differences in management practices at regional and national levels.

Kick-off meeting ForestConnect
At the meeting the objectives of the project “ForestConnect: Towards a Climate-smart Forest Connectivity for Large Carnivores in the Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaric Region” were presented, bringing together project partners, institutions, experts and NGOs from Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Austria.

Workshop Advancements in biodiversity monitoring and research: Harnessing genetics, genomics, and eDNA for conservation
At the workshop, four experts from the field of conservation genetics spoke about recent developments and applications of using genetics for species conservation and biodiversity monitoring. Talks focused on genetic monitoring, genetic and genomic methods and environmental DNA (eDNA).

Dinaric Balkan Pindos Platform Meeting 4
At the fourth platform meeting, hosted by Croatia, participants exchanged information on their activities regarding large carnivore management.

Dinaric Balkan Pindos Platform Conference 3
The third workshop of the Regional Platform for the management of large carnivores in the Dinaric-Balkan-Pindos region was held in Skopje, assessing the further development and functioning of the Platform.

Dinaric Platform Meeting 2
At a second meeting of the platform, participants discussed common approaches to large carnivore population management across the region and the type of long-term agreement which could support the platform. At the end of the meeting, they agreed their next steps for the platform.

Dinaric Platform Meeting 1
At the first platform meeting, participants discussed and agreed the contents of a report on the background situation for large carnivore management, the desire to collaborate and the need to continue the platform activities.

7th regional workshop in Budva, Montenegro
The 7th regional workshop of the EU Large Carnivore Platform focused on fostering transboundary cooperation for coexistence between people and large carnivores in the Dinara-Pindos-Balkan region. Key outcomes included a collaborative workshop statement and shared insights on managing brown bear, wolf, and the fragile Eurasian lynx populations.