Dinaric Balkan Pindos Platform Meeting 4

Participants of the 4th Dinaric Balkan Pindos Platform Meeting © Aleksandra Majić Skrbinšek
16-17 November 2023, Plitvice Lakes National Park

At the fourth platform meeting, hosted by Croatia, participants exchanged information on their activities regarding large carnivore management. In a range of break-out groups, topics related to international cooperation and large carnivore management were discussed between participants from 10 countries. These included the institutional structure for the platform (moving towards a platform agreement); developing cross-border monitoring guidance; hunters input to large carnivore management; and intervention team set-up protocols.


Meeting agenda

Meeting outputs

Participants list


Day 1 – 16/11/2023

Introduction and feedback since last meeting
Andrea Solić and Katrina Marsden, Carnivora Magna and adelphi, Platform Secretariat

Large Carnivore Conservation and Management – Croatia
Jasna Jeremić

DiBaPi Platform on Large Carnivores – Updates

Memorandum of Understanding & next steps 
Arie Trouwborst

Group 2: Focus on monitoring
Project: “Large Carnivores in Central and South-Eastern Europe – connected and coexisting with people (WWF Adria)
Aleksandra Majic Skrbinsek

Hunters’ involvement in wolf management in Croatia
Neška Vukšić Končevski, Croatian Hunting Federation

Hunters’ involvement in EU LC management
Sabrina Dietz, FACE

Hunters’ involvement in LIFE Lynx project
Mag. Lado Bradač, Tilen Hvala, Hunters Association of Slovenia

Emergency Team – overview by countries
Mag. Lado Bradač, Tilen Hvala, Hunters Association of Slovenia

Day 2 – 17/11/2023

Connectivity-related research, projects in the Balkans and critical connectivity area identification
Jernej Javornik, Aleksander Trajbarič, Tilen Hvala
and Rok Černe, Slovenia Forest Service

Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe – structure and Balkan LC involvement 
Dime Melovski and Djuro Huber

Group 2: Focus on monitoring
Project: “Large Carnivores in Central and South-Eastern Europe – connected and coexisting with people” (WWF Adria)
 Slovenia Forest Service

Group 3: Hunters involvement and feedback