Regional workshop in Budva, Montenegro

7th regional workshop of the EU Large Carnivore Platform

The 7th EU Large Carnivore Platform Regional workshop in Montenegro focused on fostering transboundary cooperation for coexistence between people and large carnivores and laid the groundwork for a regional platform in the Dinara-Pindos-Balkan region.

The workshop addressed the status of large carnivores at the national level, management strategies, and successful cross-border initiatives. Key outcomes included a collaborative workshop statement. In this statement, the participants agreed on the desirability of establishing a regional platform similar to the EU Platform. Key principles include the use of international legal frameworks, basing management on scientific evidence, and involving stakeholders in data collection.

The workshop was organized by WWF Adria and IUCN-LCIE in partnership with EuroNaturParks Dinarides and the Center for Protection and Research of Birds in Montenegro (CZIP). Attendees included managing authorities, conservation NGOs, and scientists from the region.
