© Alexandru-Bogdan Ghita – unsplash

Capacity building for future large carnivore experts

© Ekrem Veapi
Members of the large carnivore field school in BiH.


Recent years have seen a positive development of civil society organisations in the Balkans, amongst other things connected to environmental topics and species conservation programs. There is, however, still a significant lack of qualified and experienced staff in some countries and large carnivore experts are urgently needed.

To address this issue and thereby create the basis for the long term and professional implementation of LC projects, the EuroNatur Foundation supported by the Bernd Thies Foundation developed and implemented a capacity building programme together with our partners from CZZS and CZIP. The programme aimed to identify, train and support young conservationists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro in a professional career in LC conservation, management and research.

The approach was based on two components (i) a one-week training programme (field school) for LC conservation with both practical and theoretical lessons and (ii) a subsequent small grant program for high potential participants of the field school enabling the implementation of small but targeted actions focusing on conservation of LCs and gain hands-on experience.

Key actions

Objective 1: Gain a better understanding of the current status, obstacles and needs in capacities for LC conservation in the Balkans, especially in BiH and MNE

  • Survey to identify needs for capacity building for LCs in Balkan countries


Objective 2: Interested persons are informed about LC work in BiH/MNE and receive information on “Large carnivore field school”

  • Information events at universities and among additional stakeholder groups (hunters, protected area staff etc)                 
  • Selection of participants for field school based on letter of motivation and CV

Objective 3: One-week “Large Carnivore field school” is planned and implemented

  • Set up programme with practical and theoretical lessons and conduct field school

Objective 4: High-potential persons are involved in (existing) projects and supported for a career in LC conservation

  • Call for applications for small grants for LC conservation projects
  • Support and supervise the implementation of the winning proposals including networking


So far, we have been able to hold two LC field schools in BiH and one in MNE. In addition, there were two Calls for proposals under the small grant scheme.

The combined approach has proven a very successful tool for raising capacities among young professionals and it is very desirable to continue and replicate the approach in other countries of the region. However, equally important is to make use of the capacities created and enable a long-term commitment to a career in LC conservation.


The capacity building programme has been implemented with financial support of Bernd Thies Foundation and EuroNatur Foundation.

Members of the large carnivore field school in BiH following a presentation.